Glacis Park
Tavistock Road, Derriford, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 5JT
Land to the south of Crownhill retail park and west of the A386 (Glacis Park) is allocated for mixed use development, including incorporating residential uses and also providing for a range of other uses, including the potential for offices, particularly along the frontage to the A386, and education / community uses.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 14.88 ha
OWNERSHIP: Multiple Owners, including: SWW, Montrose Capital and Stuart Partners
EXISTING USE: Council Offices, Water Treatment Works, Industrial/Storage Use
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY39
Mixed use development, including residential uses, potential offices and education/community uses
Development Progress
- Site previously promoted for District Centre through pre-application.
- Detailed consideration given to the site’s potential and range of potential uses as part of the preparation and consultation on the Joint Local Plan.
- Site allocated in JLP for mixed used redevelopment.
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Engage with land owners and developers to identify deliverable scheme for redevelopment in line with Joint Local Plan Policy
- Engage with South West Water regarding onsite infrastructure requirements following the delivery of the new Roborough water treatment works
- Consider feasibly assessment for site wide delivery
- Manage pre-applications for scheme delivery.
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.