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CGI impression of ‘Oceanus’ - the world’s first long-range autonomous research vessel


Be the first to see the new video featuring a computer-generated imagery (CGI) impression of Plymouth Marine Laboratory's (PML) eagerly-anticipated research vessel, the ‘Oceanus’. 

Oceanus – which will span a remarkable 24 metres – is designed to be a fully-uncrewed, self-righting, autonomous vessel; capable of carrying an array of monitoring sensors to collect data for research into critical areas such as climate change, biodiversity, fisheries and biogeochemistry.   

The vessel is set to usher in a new era for net zero oceanography and advanced international marine research. It will be able to reach remote areas of the ocean that are difficult or impossible to sample through traditional research vessels, whether due to remote locations or due to extreme weather conditions.  

You can help build Oceanus... 

Oceanus has been initially supported by seed funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). However, PML are currently exploring opportunities for further support and funding in order to progress to the build phase, which would take around two years to complete. 

If you are interested in supporting the build phase of Oceanus, please leave your details with Fundraising Officer James Lord, who will gladly get in touch.  
