PLY23 Plymouth Fruit Sales Site
Plymouth Fruit Sales site, Sutton Road, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 0HJ
Land at Plymouth Fruit Sales, Sutton Road, Sutton Harbour is allocated for mixed use development, including housing. Other potential uses include small scale retail, offices, hotel, restaurant and leisure related use as part of housing led mix. Provision is made for in the order of 200 homes.
Site Information
SITE AREA: 0.63 ha
OWNERSHIP: Shepherds Wharf Plymouth Ltd
Joint Local Plan Allocation PLY23
Mixed use development, including circa 200 homes, plus potential small scale retail, offices, hotel, restaurant and leisure use as part of housing led mix.
Development Progress
- Lapsed planning consent (08/02267/FUL) for 183 residential apartments and ground floor commercial space.
- Engagement with the landowner over future potential development opportunities
- Engagement with a potential developer via a pre-application for a new scheme
Plymouth City Council Next Steps
- Work with landowner to develop revised scheme through pre-application process to meet JLP Policy aspirations for site
- Determine pre-application of new scheme for potential developer.
- Determine future Planning Application
If you would like to find out more information about this development, please get in touch.